Academic Regulations
Students receive no credit for courses they choose to withdraw from. All withdrawals are subject to the tuition refund policy.
A. Withdrawal initiated by student
A student has the responsibility to officially withdraw from a course, which he or she does not intend to complete. A student must complete the official "Withdrawal Form" (from Reception Desk) and submit it to the Registrar's Office.
Students who withdraw from a course before the dates listed below will receive a grade of 'W', which will not affect the student's G.P.A.
Fall and Spring Semesters: End of eight week of classes
Summer Session: End of third week of classes
Students who do not file for withdrawal with the Registrar's Office within this time will continue to be registered for the course(s) and if they have not completed the requirements of the course(s), will be assigned an 'F' as a final grade.
B. Withdrawal initiated by the instructor
An instructor may request withdrawal of a student from a course because of non-attendance and/or inappropriate registration (the student not meeting the necessary course prerequisites). The instructor must inform the Registrar's Office for such withdrawals. Withdrawal initiated by the instructor can be done before the eighth week of classes for Fall and Spring Semesters and before the third week of classes for Summer Session.
Students wishing to withdraw from the College must file a 'Withdrawal Form' at the Registrar's Office. It is the student's obligation to complete this final procedure. Failure to do so leaves the student liable for all of the current semester's tuition and fees and will result in grades of 'F' being assigned automatically to the student's courses.
a. Probation - Suspension
Students may be placed on academic probation for failure to make satisfactory academic progress. This means that the student has failed three or more subjects at the end of a given semester.
If credit deficiencies are reproduced the following semester, the student concerned may be subject to academic suspension from the College. A suspended student may apply for readmission at the College after a calendar year. Applications for readmission must be made in writing to the Admissions Director.
Students who are readmitted after being suspended are considered to be on probation and must meet specified academic objectives, such as maintaining a C average. Failure to meet these objectives will result in a second academic suspension.
A second academic suspension is considered final.
b. Enforced Withdrawal
Students may be forced to withdraw from the College for habitual delinquency in class, habitual idleness or any other fault, which prevents the student from fulfilling the purpose implied by registration at the College. Grades of F (failure) will be allocated for each of the subjects in which the students were registered. Students who have been forced to withdraw must apply for readmission in the same manner as a suspended student.
c. Voluntary Withdrawal
Students may withdraw from the College before the conclusion of a semester. Grades of F (failure) will be allocated for each of the subjects in which the students were registered.