Regional Asia Office

Mr. Abu Hena Moustofa Kamal
Mr. Abu Hena Moustofa Kamal is our Regional Director for Asia in this capacity he is authorized to conclude agreements of representation and cooperation with educational consultants and academic institutes and to issue admission certificates.
Contact in Bangladesh
Regional Head Office for Asia:
Red Crescent Chamber (2nd Floor, USPAA) 87 Motijheel C/A, Dhaka- 1000, Bangladesh
Phone: 88 02 9571868 Fax: 88 02 9571868
House # 320 (3rd Floor, ITHM) Road # 8A (New)/ 15 (Old),
Dhanmondi, Dhaka- 1209, Bangladesh
Phone: 88 02 8155772 Mobile: 88 01819 249495, 01713 489242
Email 1: abuhena@cothm.ac.cy Email 2: abuhenamkamal@gmail.com
Regional India/Nepal Office
Regional Asia Office

Mr. Abu Hena Moustofa Kamal is our Regional Director for Asia in this capacity he is authorized to conclude agreements of representation and cooperation with educational consultants and academic institutes and to issue admission certificates.
Contact in Bangladesh
Goodwin Group
Khan ABC Tradeplex (5th Floor)
House # 37, Road # 02
Dhanmondi, Dhaka- 1209, Bangladesh
House – 35 (1st Floor), Road – 14
Sector – 13, Uttara Model Town
Dhaka- 1230, Bangladesh
Mob: 01753705670, 01747411684, 01755719261
Email: abuhena@cothm.ac.cy; cothmregionaloffice@gmail.com;
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cothmasia
Mr. Abu Hena Moustofa Kamal