Plagiarism detection is the process of locating instances of plagiarism within a work or document. The widespread use of computers and the advent of the Internet has made it easier to plagiarize the work of others. Most cases of plagiarism are found in academia, where documents are typically essays or reports. However, plagiarism can be found in virtually any field, including novels, scientific papers, art designs, and source code.
Here are a few tools we use:
"Plagiarisma is an essay checker considered as an important tool for students, teachers, scholars and professional writers. It detects copyright infringement in your essay, research paper, coursework or dissertation."
Plagiarism Detector
"Plagiarismdetector.net is a simple to utilize instrument to check for plagiarism, it additionally fills in as an exposition checker considered as a really important tool for students, editors, writers, educators, researchers and expert journalists."
"Grammarly is an automated proofreader and plagiarism checker. It makes sure everything you type is easy to read, effective, and mistake-free."
"Upload-Scan-Detect-Receive report"
Anti-Plagiarism Software (sourceforge.net)
"Anti-Plagiarism - software designed to effectively detect and thereby prevent plagiarism. It is a versatile tool to deal with World Wide Web copy-pasting information from the assignment of authorship."
Dupli Checker
"The most dependable anti-plagiarism online software is now at your fingertips"
Paper Rater
"Cloud-based software digs deep into the syntax and structure of your text without the need to signup, login, or download."
Plagiarism Checker
"Plagiarism Checker can help you find out whether a student's paper has been copied from the Internet."
"Track plagiarism usage by pasting or typing."
Viper Plagiarism Checker
"Get a comprehensive plagiarism report based on your work = completely free."
"Upload-Check-Report" simple as that.