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Faculty Organisation - Faculty Committees

a. Academic Committee


  • Registrar – Chair

  • Academic Director

  • Administrative staff      

  • Faculty members

  • Student Union representative


  • Assures that effective and continuous academic student assessment is taking place. 

  • Conducts analysis and makes recommendations as to how the assessment process may be improved.

  • Takes action on student petitions for exemptions, substitutions or exceptions to core requirements.

  • Advises the Librarian on matters of general library policies, the development of library resources and the means by which the institution may best integrate the library program with other academic activities of the College.

  • Decides on the action to be taken on students with unsatisfactory academic performance.

Operations – Procedures:

Members of the Academic Committee, faculty members and students can forward to the Chair of the Academic Committee a letter in which they describe the issue(s) they wish to be discussed.  After deliberation the Committee makes recommendations to the Director.

b. Administrative Committee


  • Director of Administration and Finance – Chair

  • Administrative staff

  • Faculty member

  • Student Union representative


The duties of this Committee are:

  • To deal with problems and difficulties encountered in the administration of the College, and assure its effective and qualitative educational mission.

  • To consider policies and problems affecting student life and student - faculty relationships, including extra-curricular activities, and make recommendations to the Director.

  • To consider policy matters pertaining to salaries and other aspects of the personal welfare of the staff members.

  • To evaluate and make recommendations to the Director of Administration and Finance concerning the operation of auxiliary services on the campus, including telephone, food service, bookstore, mail delivery, library facilities and computer services.

  • To set the direction for the cosmopolitan and cross-cultural enrichment of the campus.

  • To co-ordinate extra-curricular events, student and faculty exchanges and public


Operations – Procedures:

Members of the Administrative Committee, faculty members and students can forward to the Chair of the Administrative committee a letter in which they describe the problem or problem(s) they believe exist with regard to the College's administrative functions.  The Committee at a meeting discusses the problem(s), calls the people concerned and decides as to what recommendations to make to the Director of the College.

c. Disciplinary Committee


  • Director of Admissions – Chair

  • Academic Director

  • Administrative staff

  • Faculty

  • Student Union representative


The duties of this committee are to conduct hearings for students alleged to have committed infraction of the academic or non-academic regulations or misconduct that adversely affects the College's pursuit of its educational mission.

d. Research Committee


  • Director of Research

  • Academic Director

  • Director of Administration & Finance

  • Faculty



The Research and Staff Development Committee assesses, approves and monitors research projects by members of faculty.  The committee decides on the allocation of resources and reduction of contact hours for any form of staff development.

e. Appeals Committee


  • Academic Director – Chair

  • Director of Admissions

  • Course Coordinators  

  • Student Union representative


The Appeals Committee hears and decides on grievances of faculty or staff members and students against decisions taken by the College and measures taken against faculty, staff or students.

Operations – Procedures:

The Appeals Committee convenes upon request and at least once a year.

f. Social Events Committee


  • Student Affairs Officer - Chair

  • Administration (2 members)

  • Faculty (2 members)

  • Student Union representative


The Social Events Committee provides leadership in cultural and / or social activities organized at the College.

Operations – Procedures:

The Social Events Committee prepares an annual Events Calendar at the beginning of each academic year stating the purpose of each event and a preliminary estimate of the cost.

The Social Events Committee meets at least once a month to organize, supervise and execute all the Social Events, with the support and assistance of all staff members and students of the College.

g. Internal Quality Committee



  • Director.

  • Academic Director. -  Chair

  • Course Coordinators.

  • Lecturers (2 members)

  • Student Union representative

  • Administration.


The internal Quality Committee is responsible to ensure that the standards mentioned in article 12 of the Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Higher Education and the Establishment and Operation of an Agency on Related Matters Law of 2015, are implemented.

The committee co-ordinates the preparation of the self-evaluation reports of the college.

The committee prepares the general evaluation reports to be submitted to the Agency.

h. Ethics Committee


  • Director – Chair

  • Academic Director

  • Head of Academic Affairs

  • Student Affairs Officer

  • Student Union representative





  • Appoints members with at least 1 member of each interest group (students, academic staff, administrative staff and management)

  • Draft policies in all Ethical matters, including but not limited to work ethics, equality for all College members, sexual misconduct etc.

  • Outline procedures to ensure above policies are both acknowledged and adhered to by all members.



Operations – Procedures:


The committee should convene at least once per annum and whenever an issue arises so as to:


  • Review both policies and application thereof taking into consideration changes in applicable legislation

  • Take action in cases of deviation (or suspicion or complaint of deviation) from said policies.


Minutes of Committee meetings must be maintained, recording all relevant amendments, decisions and actions taken where applicable.

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