Facilities - Support Services
Nine lecture rooms, fully air conditioned, mechanically ventilated, and 7 connected with the Internet and the College network.
The library, (with over 10,000 items), is specialized with a very good collection of books, periodicals and audio visual aids on tourism, hospitality operations as well as Business, Management and Information Technology. The “Cyprus Tourism Documentation Center” is a specialized section of the library in Cyprus Tourism. Students and researchers can find information on Cyprus Tourism from past to present, as the library has been collecting all the publications. This information includes historical and cultural data, tourism statistics, and annual reports from different organizations, videotapes, and other useful materials. The Cyprus Documentation Center is updated on a regular basis. Library resources have been vastly expanded thanks to the connection of all the College computers to EBSCO database and eBook. The college library and students have access now to two programs of EBSCO database which provide the following information.
A) Hospitality & tourism complete and
B) eBook Business database.
Together with the above library and students can have access to the following databases.
1. Library information, Science and Technology Abstracts,
2. GreenFILE,
3. European views of the Americans:1493 to 1750,
4) American doctoral Dissertaions:1933-1955
There is a computer lab dedicated to teaching and to be used by students. Besides all software programs necessary for teaching the Information Technology modules, the labs are equipped with several software programs, proper to computer aided teaching of hospitality, tourism and business related courses.
The training kitchen is fully equipped and is used by the first year hospitality students to familiarize themselves with the food preparation and cooking process.
Besides work placement, the College is interested in the placement or transfer of its students and their career development. Applications for transfer to foreign colleges and universities are handled by the administration, which also helps the students get their first job. Normally tourism companies and hotels inform the school of their vacancies. The school informs the students and arranges interviews with the management of interested companies. In fact the College plays the role of an employment agency offering its services free of charge to both students and employers.