Faculty Organisation - College Council
-Savvas Adamides, President of the College and Council
-Constantinos Adamides, Member
-Christos Kashourides, Member
-Chrysostomos Adamides, Member
-Student Union Representative, Member
Appointment of members:
The Faculty, Administration and Student members are appointed by the Faculty Council, Administrative Committee and the Student Union respectively. The three independent members are appointed by the owner of the School. The Director is ex officio member.
The College Council is the governing body of the School
Appoints the Director of the School
Assumes responsibility before the Law of the Republic of Cyprus in accordance with the relevant legislation.
Governs the School and represents the interests of its founders
Formulates the policy of the School
Secures adequate financial resources for the operation and development of the School and its educational programs
Reviews and approves major financial decisions and performance
Advises the Director on the Internal Rules and Regulations of the College
Advises the director on the educational programs offered by the School
Advises on the criteria for admission, promotion and graduation of the students
Suggests and evaluates academic and non-academic regulations and any other matters submitted by the owner of the College.
Operations – Procedures:
Τhe President of the College Council is Mr. Savvas Adamides. The College Council meets at least once a year. It may meet at any other time if the Director of the School or any two of its members, wish to convene it. There is quorum provided there are at least four members present. Decisions are taken by majority vote of those present. Decisions taken by the College Council are in accordance with Laws 67(I)/96 to 2013 and with the approved documents of the Ministry of Education and Culture.
Academic Director
Director of International Office
Director of Administration and Finance
Director of Admissions,
Registrar, and the
Course Coordinators.
The Faculty Council is the governing body of the academic side of the College.
The Faculty Council among other responsibilities to be decided,
Considers and recommends action on requests for addition, deletion, or changes in courses or programs of the College
Provides continuing evaluation of programs of study, educational policies, admission standards and assessment procedures
Assures that effective and continuous academic student assessment is taking place
Conducts analysis and makes recommendations as to how the assessment process may be improved
Advises the Librarian on matters of general library policy, the development of library resources and the means by which the institution may best integrate the library program with other academic activities of the College
Reviews and decides on applications for sabbatical leave.
Academic Director (Chairman)
Course Coordinator of the program of study
External Examiner or nominee
Faculty members with overall responsibilities for the assessment of the courses
Registrar to act as secretary
The Final Assessment Board is authorized to assess students in accordance with the course assessment regulations and guided by the principles of transparency, consistency, and fairness, to recommend that awards of the College be conferred upon those who have fulfilled the objectives of an approved program of study and achieved the standards required for an award.