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Academic Calendar

The College follows the American System of higher education. The academic year consists of 2 semesters, one in the Fall and one in the Spring, each 16 weeks long, inclusive of registration, holidays and final examinations. The Fall Semester begins during the first week of October and the Spring Semester begins during the first week of February. A six-week intensive summer session is also offered beginning in June and ending in July. A ten week intensive English summer program, as foundation course, is offered in the summer.

The approved organization of each program of study will be detailed in the official prospectus of the school.


a) Yearly mode of study

If the above system is adopted, classes will commence in September or the first fortnight of October and end in May or June of the following year.  The exact dates of the commencement of classes and of the final exams will be made clear in the Prospectus.


b) Semester mode of study

In the event of following this system the Fall semester will begin on 1st September and end in January.  The second (winter or spring) semester will commence 1st February and end on 30 June. The classes of the Fall Semester will commence in September or during the first fortnight of October and end towards the end of December or the middle of January.  The classes of the Winter/Spring Semester will commence during the second fortnight of January of the first fortnight of February and end towards the end of May or beginning of June.  The exact dates of the commencement of classes for each semester and the dates of the final exams at the end of the semester will be published in the Prospectus.

Each individual course will last one semester.

The assessment of students, which will be entered into the official records of the School at the end of each semester will be composed of two elements for each one of the courses taken by the student:  the grade of the written final semester exam and the grade of the coursework during the semester


c) Modular mode of study

This method can be used only in connection with post graduate programs of study.  Each module will last about two months.  The exact dates of the commencement and end of each module and of the relevant final exams are specified in the Prospectus.

The grades will be entered in the official records of the school at the end of each module.  This means that each module is composed of complete course(s) and has its own syllabus


d) Intensive Summer Session

The months June, July and August may be used either for summer holidays or as intensive summer session.  During this period, a student may take intensive courses.  In this way a student, who registered at the beginning of the academic year or the semester will be able to take and pass one or two intensive courses.  In such cases the credits which will be obtained will be counted as part of his program of study.  The intensive summer session does not constitute a separate/additional academic semester. It is a complement of a normal academic semester.


e) Foundation course

  1. The College may offer a foundation course of a duration of two semesters following approval by the Minister of Education and Culture.  This course will be part of a registered program of study.

  2. Candidates who satisfy the minimum entry requirements but have deficiencies in English may be admitted to a program of study.  However, depending on the results the entrance exams the student may be asked to attend the first or second semester of the foundation course.

  3. During his studies of the first or second semester of the foundation course students should attend classes for five contact periods per day, but will not do any industrial placement.  Common classes for students attending the same foundation course of two different programs of study may be offered.   If a program of study includes a foundation course this will be mentioned in the name of the program of study, e.g. “Travel and Tourism Administration (2 years plus Foundation Year, Diploma)”

  4. Students of the foundation course will be appropriately assessed and a transcript will be issued but no credits may be granted after successful completion of any part of the foundation course.

  5. If the performance of a student during the second semester of the foundation course is satisfactory the student will be admitted to the first semester of the first year of the program of study to which the foundation course belongs.  If the student fails he/she may repeat maximum once any one of the two semesters of the foundation course.


College Calendar (get it in docx format)

The Calendar of each program of study is published in the official Prospectus.

There may be three intakes per year.  Fall, Spring, and Summer.  Details of the different intakes are published in the official Prospectus of the College.



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